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March 30, 2016

A well-known scientist, an atheist, and a very decorated scientist named Herbert Spencer, died in 1903. In his scientific career he had become noted for one great discovery. He discovered that all reality, and all that exists in the universe can be contained in five categories:




space and 


Herbert Spencer said everything that exists, exists in one of those categories: time, force, action, space and matter. Nothing exists outside of those categories. That was a very astute discovery and didn’t come until the nineteenth century. Now think about that. Spencer even listed them in that order: time, force, action, space and matter.  
That is a logical sequence. And then with that in your mind, listen 
to Genesis 1:1.  
 “In the beginning,”. that’s time. 

 “God,”                   that’s force.

 “Created,”             that’s action. 

 “The heavens,”.    that’s space

 ” And the earth,”   that’s matter.  

In the first verse of the Bible God said plainly what this atheist didn’t announce until the nineteenth century. Everything that could be said about everything that exists is said in that first verse. Now either you believe that or you don’t. You either believe that verse is accurate and God is the force or you believe that God is not the force that created everything. And then you’re left with chance or randomness or coincidence, and the weak unverifiable theory of evolution that could be summarized as:



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  1. Coralia permalink

    I do know that this is true from John Macarthurs series “Battle for the Beginning”, but I dont see your reference to support this statement.

    • No problem Coralia. Here we go:

      The Five Manifestations of Natural Phenomena

      For over a century, scientists have recognized that all natural phenomena in the Universe can ultimately be divided into interactions between five basic, fundamental “manifestations.” In 1882, staunch evolutionist Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher, biologist, and sociologist who was a prominent classical liberal political theorist of the Victorian era, recognized “likenesses and unlikenesses among phenomena…, which are segregated into manifestations…, and then into space and time, matter and motion and force…” (Soylent Communications, 2011, emp. added). In First Principles, under the chapter heading, “Space, Time, Matter, Motion, and Force,” he wrote, “These modes of cohesion under which manifestations are invariably presented, and therefore invariably represented, we call…Space and Time,…Matter and Motion [action—JM]” (1882, 1:171, emp. added). “Though Space, Time, Matter, and Motion, are apparently all necessary data of intelligence, yet a psychological analysis…shows us that these are either built up of, or abstracted from, experiences of Force” (p. 169). So, time, force, action, space, and matter are the five manifestations of all scientific phenomena.

      This truth—fundamental to understanding science—was articulated by an agnostic in the 19th century, and yet these fundamental principles were articulated in the very first verse of the Bible millennia ago. “In the beginning [time], God [force] created [action] the heavens [space] and the Earth [matter].” It is truly amazing that a renowned apostle of agnosticism would be the one to verbally articulate this discovery from science—a discovery which gives significant weight to the contention that one can know there is a God and that the Bible is His inspired Word. And further, it is notably ironic that the very man from whom Charles Darwin took the phrase, “survival of the fittest” (Spencer, 1864, 2:444), would be the man that unknowingly found evidence specifically supporting the inspiration of Genesis chapter one—the very chapter of the Bible that relates the truth about man’s origin. Acts 14:17 rightly says, “Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good…” (emp. added).


      Soylent Communications (2011), “Herbert Spencer,” NNDB: Tracking the Entire World,

      Spencer, Herbert (1882), First Principles: A System of Synthetic Philosophy (New York: D. Appleton and Company), fourth edition.

      Spencer, Herbert (1864), Principles of Biology: A System of Synthetic Philosophy (London: Williams and No

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