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September 21, 2016

Evolution is a biological impossibility. Consequently we’re left with no alternative but creation. Evolution cannot occur.

Every living thing has a DNA code, every living organism has a genetic code programmed with the exact information to produce, preserve and repair that living thing. It has no less than that necessary information and no more than that necessary information.  

The genes in every organism limit that organism to what it is. It cannot be less than it is, and it cannot be more than it is. There is no genetic information to transform it into something other than what it is. The Bible talks about kinds of living things that can reproduce after their own kind. And that essentially is saying the same thing. There can be variations within a kind, but not anything beyond that.

Science has tried to tell us that evolution is a process called mutation, that living organisms have the capacity to mutate, simply means to change. But you need to understand this: Mutations do not change the nature or the kind of any living organism.  

They don’t make it anything other than it is. What mutations involve is always a loss of existing information. There is never a gain of information. Mutations never add new genetic information. Mutations therefore do not work toward an upward evolutionary process. Mutations are not a mechanism for upward evolutionary process.  

Dr. Werner Gitt, a director and professor at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology, answered this question: Can new information originate in a living organism through mutations? And this is his response.

“Mutations can only cause changes in existing information. There can be no increase in information and, in general, the result of mutations is injurious. New blueprints for new functions or new organs cannot arise. Mutations cannot be the source of new information,” 

Consequently evolution cannot occur; it is a biological impossibility!

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