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October 24, 2018

1. If the revoice folk used biblical terms and biblical definitions of sin, instead of renaming these sins, and sugarcoating them it would have been abundantly clear to them that what is needed is not a (revoice conference),  but a (repentance conference)with weeping and prayer

Consequently it is important to remember that so called, “SAME SEX ATTRACTION ” is an unbiblical phrase, derived from the LGBTQPIA culture.  This phrase is a sugarcoated attempt to redefine the sin of covetousness and sexual lust as found in Deuteronomy 5: 21 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. You shall not set your desire on your neighbor’s house or land, his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

It’s not merely act itself, but the desire that is also and needs to be repented of and forsaken.

Likewise, “GAY” and  Lesbianism are non biblical words created by the LGBTQPIA culture to sugarcoat and redefine the biblical sin of sodomy and homosexuality!  

As early as Abraham and Lot (roughly 1900 B.C.), sodomy was considered a sin (Genesis 19:1 – 7). God also reiterated that this practice was against His will when He gave His laws to Israel. Although the Bible sometimes alludes to this behavior, it clearly condemns the practice (Genesis 13:13, 19:5, 19:7, Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 and so on). The city of Sodom was so well-known for its open and shameless indulgence in this wicked behavior that it lent its name to those throughout history who pursue it (sodomites).

And in the New Testament we have in Romans 1:26-27

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Thus the word GAY and Lesbian are being used by the LGBTQPIA+ revoice culture to confuse the true church and promote the infiltration of sin into the church by trying to have it perceived as a non sin.

Let’s not try to be a part of this sinful culture by redefining and sugarcoating their sin!

2. If one listens carefully to each of these unsaved speakers their motives were repeated often.   “To bypass repentance and promote the flourishing and acceptance   and Inclusion of LGBTQPIA+ and their sinful behavior sinful into the church.

3. The stated purpose of revoice is the flourishing of sin in the church. The published purpose of revoice is “Supporting, encouraging, and empowering those who identify, celebrate and practice the sexual sins of Covetous lust, (ssa) homosexuality (GAY), to be fully accepted in the true church without repentance and forsaking the sins.

“How can light have fellowship with darkness”2 Cor 6:14,  We are not to have fellowship with unbelievers.  But are to evangelize  them, and warn them of their lost condition and hellish destination!”

4. With the recent attempt by the sinful revoice conference to infiltrate the church with the immoral LGBTQPIA +  sinful agenda we need to focus on church discipline as found in Matthew 18. Which is crystal clear.

Before you get into preaching, or elders or forms of worship, or even the lord’s table, and things like that, the first instruction to the church in the New Testament is simply this.

If someone sins go to him, if he REPENTS  you have gained your brother, if he doesn’t REPENT  take two or three witnesses, to confirm his repentance or lack of repentance.   If he still doesn’t REPENT tell the church .  Excommunicate  him until he repents, and weep and pray for him to REPENT and his eventual restoration

The word  “ecclesia / church”  is first mentioned in Matthew 16 but the first  responsibility of the church is found in chapter 18 and it is to deal with sin.   The church is to be pursuing holiness and Godliness, not tolerance of LGBQPIA+ sin.

5. In Rev 2 the  church at Pergamum like many so called churches today, had people in the church living like LGBTQPIA+ pagans, and the church had tolerated this teaching and this compromise, corrupting the household of the Lord.  I don’t see our Lord being gentle here about sin!

In verse 16, there is a very straightforward command:  Therefore repent.” “Repent.” Turn and go the other way. Stop tolerating worldly compromise. Stop tolerating LGBTQPIA+ sinful culture in your church. This issue is moral corruption from the surrounding pagan world: uncleanness, immorality, indulgence in the sins of the culture. “Repent, repent, repent.” Not revoice, revoice revoice!

If you have people in your church  who are coming to worship Christ while practicing  immorality including LGBTQPIA+ sin, the biblical admonition is to confront them, not tolerate them, but to call for repentance.

The church today must exclude unbelievers from the fellowship of the body of Christ. We should always be glad when unbelievers come and hear the message of the gospel of salvation, but they shouldn’t  participate with the people of God until they are a child of God.

And the church must confront professing believers who are living sinful lives, who claim to have been delivered and redeemed out of the world but are literally living the way the world lives. 

They have to be confronted. 

The church must do that. And if we don’t do that, look at the “or else.” “I’m coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of My mouth.” “I’ll come to you, the church, and I’ll make war against them.” Literally, a church on the brink of judgment. Not only in danger of the culture around it, but in greater danger of the Lord above it.

Now, of course, we want to reach out. Of course, we want to welcome unbelievers to hear the gospel and be redeemed. Of course, we want sinning believers to be given grace and forgiveness upon forgiveness upon forgiveness – 70 times 7. 

But we are admonished in scripture to confront the LGBTQPIA+ sins, not to tolerate that as if it’s acceptable, and not to live as close to the corruption of the world as we possibly can. To do so is to live in danger, great danger. Not only danger from the culture, but danger from the Lord. If we don’t deal with LGBTQPIA sins, He will. 

I repeat, had If the revoice folk used biblical terms and biblical definitions of sin, instead of renaming these sins, and sugarcoating them it would have been abundantly clear to them that what is needed is not (revoice conference),  but a (repentance conference)with weeping and prayer

Today’s tolerant, non-confronting churches and heretical pastors be warned. REPENT, OR You face judgment from the Lord Himself.

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