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October 24, 2020

I am always astounded at the way in which C.S. Lewis has been absorbed by Reformed folks in America as a theological poster boy;  and that he can be approved of by John Piper and Tim Keller. 

There is an obvious difference in that C.S. Lewis was Armenian rather than Calvinist ; but even if they can extend a broad latitude of tolerance here, there is so much else in C.S. Lewis writing – imaginative and theological – that should properly be seen as dangerously heretical by people in the Reformed camp.

We are told in 1 John 1:5  that light and darkness do not have fellowship with one another. Yet, for example in “The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe,” we see some of the pagan dieties, or at least their offspring (centaurs and nymphs were considered to be such), dancing and cavorting with Aslan, whom some say is Messiah.  Messiah would never party with demons! They are lost souls with no hope of redemption.

We are told to have nothing to do with magic. Yet Lewis makes it the hero of the day. It is “DEEP MAGIC “, not the light of Messiah, that is responsible for the end of winter in the Chronicles of Narnia. Kindly don’t tell me “Well, by “DEEP MAGIC” Lewis really meant…” He meant what he said. The Bible means what it says too, and it doesn’t say, “Well, you can be into magic as long as you read between the invisible lines and try to make it look like it’s from Me.” 

Some may think “Well, an evil witch was defeated….” as  in Harry Potter where witches “good” and bad battle it out. It is common in some witchcraft lore to believe the lie that some magic and some witches are “good”. This is one of satan’s common deceptions.

We are told not to mix in the leaven of the world with the Truth.  Doing just that was Lewis’ speciality, as the above example  shows.  I think he was just another fantasy author, presenting a twisted “Gospel”, while he himself shows he is ravished with pagan ideas and images.

I used to teach his books until I saw through them. You don’t get it both ways. You don’t get paganism and the Gospel. And when you try to blend them you get into trouble with the Almighty who detests anything pagan and tells us to completely shun it.

In Rev 9:21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their MAGIC ARTS, their sexual immorality or their thefts.”

Scripture clearly condemns magic as evil, for example, I know it is forbidden by YHWH. I know Lewis makes it look wonderful. That’s just one example where he leaves me no choice but to avoid him, and encourage others to do likewise.

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One Comment
  1. Jan permalink

    TIm Keller is a Marxist and plagerizes Lewis in his ecumenical “dance with the Trinity” garbage where we are to love everyone, never disagree or turn anyone away. You know….like the Trinity does! (????) Keller is using the model of the incomprehensible Trinity to bring in the harlot Church. AND if you research ALL the Calvinists who are turning to Rome, flirting with Charismatic chaos and cowt-owing with false teachers, they ALL follow CS Lewis! Keller, Piper, Lutzer, Mcarthur, Platt, Chandler, etc!

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