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February 21, 2018

It never ceases to amaze me that although GOD and PRAYER have been driven out of our public schools and from their athletic activities, yet once again we have all these secular TV announcers becoming instantly religious, and offering their prayers, whatever that means.

In the wake of another national tragedy here in the USA my condolences go to the wounded and bereaved, and I trust that the local churches in Parkland, Florida will step up to the plate, and minister to the victims of this tragedy.

The bottom line is that sooner or later we are all going to die, and we are not in control of when that will happen. The scriptures are very clear Hebrews 9:27

“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,”

While we still have time, holy God is calling all of us lost sinners to repent, and trust in the savior’s death on the cross. Jesus took our place and our judgment on the cross, so that we could be forgiven by God!

So, what am I supposed to believe to become a Christian! BELIEVE WHAT?

*Believe,Admit, and Agree you are a sinner.

*Believe, Admit, and agree you are alienated from God, and must truly repent and turn from your sin.

*Believe, Admit and Agree that you are “condemned already” and need a pardon.

*Believe, Admit and Agree that you need to repent (turn your back from sin) and produce fruits of obedience.

*Believe, Admit and Agree that Jesus took your punishment on the cross as your substitute, and is waiting to pardon you.

*Believe, Admit, and Agree that God’s justice was satisfied by the fact that God raised Jesus…from the dead. And when God raised Him from the dead He was saying, “I am satisfied.”

*Believe, Admit and Agree, that the evidence that you are truly a believer is that you produce “fruits of obedience.”

That’s what you BELIEVE! That’s the gospel. And when you believe that by faith, and REPENT, simply trusting God, He, in His mercy takes the righteousness of Jesus Christ and credits it to you because your sins were credited to Christ when He died on the cross.

In Acts 2:37-38, after hearing the gospel the people became aware of their guilt as sinners and said, “What shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

In Luke 18:14, the repentant sinner said, “God be merciful to me a sinner.”

So, if you cry out to God in faith trusting, God will hear you and your life will be transformed in a moment. If your faith is weak ask Him to help you to believe. If you need more information read the Gospel of John, and ask God to teach you the truth of Christ.

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